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Manuel Bozzi


The exclusive Manuel Bozzi jewelry line was born from the creative flair and entrepreneurial spirit of its designer, whose name it bears.

Born in 1973 in Pisa, Manuel followed a multifaceted artistic education: from theater, music, and sculpture to painting and ancient crafts, until he took the high road of goldsmithing following the teachings of his mother, artist Lydia Nissim. Right from the start she began to form her artistic identity, which comes to us today with her unmistakable traits.


Manuel Bozzi's singular talent was discovered by the brilliant French fashion designers Marithé and François Girbaud for whom Chiara, Manuel's wife, worked as a style assistant. In 2000, the young designer began an important collaboration with the French fashion label, which entrusted him with the prestigious task of creating accessories and jewelry by having them paraded on the world's main catwalks.

Collaborations multiplied until, in 2002, Manuel decided to give life to jewelry signed with his name and to found, together with his longtime partner Luigi Ranchelli, the brand that has always accompanied them.

To call them "mind" and "arm" is reductive; the duo complements each other on all fronts between technicalities, flair and endless passion. 

Chiara completes the picture by managing the Pontedera flagship store with visionary professionalism.


Since its Parisian debut, the Manuel Bozzi collection has aroused incredible interest among global buyers; today Manuel's creations can be found in the world's most exclusive boutiques as well as in the finest jewelry stores.

Manuel Bozzi's jewelry is designed, created and handcrafted in Italy, solely in his workshop. Winner of the Young Designers Award for "Best Accessories Designer," Manuel Bozzi creates jewelry that is an expression of Made in Italy quality and extreme attention to detail. Unisex, sacred, profane and deeply cultured, Manuel's creations combine into one perfect blend of gritty romanticism.

Manuel Bozzi is present at the most important national and international trade fairs, receptive hubs for press and buyers from all over the world.

 "Do not go where the path may lead you, go instead where the path is not yet there and leave a trail behind you."- Ralph Waldo Emerson
