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Manuel Bozzi

Personalized bracelets Manuel Bozzi

November 27, 2018

Bracciali personalizzati Manuel Bozzi

Leather, metal, passion: personalized bracelets to live on your skin

Your Manuel Bozzi engraved bracelet speaks of you, of ritual and belonging, of time and dedication.
Made entirely by hand in Tuscany, Manuel's jewelry comes to life from fine materials that hold high the name of Made in Italy, and is shaped with infinite skill in leather and silver.
From the firmest chains to elaborate silver links, from skulls to anchor bracelets, forged in a unique design, men's bracelets from the Manuel Bozzi Collection unleash a unique personality in every fiber: yours.
Choose your leather or silver bracelet and make it unique with your engraving.
Customize your own inimitable jewelry for free, to wear or give as a gift for your cravings for excellence.



Give new life to rhythm: shape your bracelet with personalized engraving

Here in the Manuel Bozzi workshop, we work with you to create your unique custom jewelry.
Each engraving is done personally by Manuel, through the use of a special steel burin.
These are the secrets of our silver bracelets: attention to detail and endless passion. All to the rhythm of Rock'n'Roll.

Get carried away! Order online and get the personalized bracelet you've always dreamed of right away.

Among the jewelry to personalize, a historical bracelet, a timeless classic with unique grit: it is the "Black Rem". Untouched by the wear and tear of time and fashions, this model with full, solid-link groumette chain holds immortal power.
Made of fine polished 925 Sterling Silver, each link is individually hand-welded in homage to the tradition of Italian High Craftsmanship.
Touch of irreverent elegance: 20 black diamonds dancing on the silver surface in their 2.02 carats.

Unreachable, steadfast, imposing: "Vetta" will win you over with its firm, decisive lines.
A custom engraved bracelet with a textural soul, featuring a raw, burnished and brushed finish.

A great classic revisited four-handedly by Manuel and Pierfrancesco Favino, wrapped in a firm Groumette-link chain, with scratched plaque and Picchio monogram.

Browse all customizable silver jewelry by Manuel Bozzi.
Shape your own engraved bracelet, to be lived to the fullest.





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